Your organization needs Think Systems, Inc. if…..

Your organization needs Think Systems, Inc. if….. CIO and resident comedian Ed Mullin explains
Hi, I’m Ed Mullin and today I want to talk about being a new employee at Think Systems. As a new member of the Think staff I get a lot of questions about what Think does and what are our value is in the market so with apologies to Jeff Foxworthy here’s a few reasons why you may want to call Think Systems. When you refer to PMI and your CIO thinks you’re talking about something to do with his mortgage insurance, you may want to call Think Systems. If you’re project budget is 80% gone and only 20% of the code has been generated, you may want to call Think Systems. If the contents of the deployment of your software are determined b6 who buys the beers on Thursday night for a Friday deployment, you may want to call Think Systems. If the requirements your project change every time the CEO takes a plane flight, you may want to call Think Systems. In short there are many different reasons you’d want to call us but the thing to remember is our team members get stuff done. They are the enterprise fixers and operations and project management.