Technology Modernization
As technology improves, the desire to take what you have and re-engineer it is a common theme in business. The issue lies in the fact that very few want to do a “lift-and-shift”, using a new tool to replicate old processes. Technology modernization can be difficult to visualize, predict, and plan for, not to mention modernization efforts must create value for the enterprise to achieve success.
Taking advantage of technical innovation
is not an incremental endeavor.
It doesn’t require a risky leap either!
Operations modeling will enable you to see your current state, map people, processes and tools to it, and then develop a future-state model that will help you identify everything that needs to be changed. Adjustments to business and operations processes, re-training of staff, decommissioning of old systems, can be planned with this type of modeling.
Our Approach to Technology Modernization
Think’s partnership with BusinessOptix enables us to model this information using industry standards in a single tool. We do not draw “pictures” of processes in Visio or some other visual tool. We used to do that. But we’ve needed to adopt innovation in this area ourselves.
In the hands of our analysts, we will model your processes in BusinessOptix so the information we collect and develop is far more easily accessed, used and managed. Proper modeling produces visual information that is more than a picture, it is a visual representation of how your business runs or could run. It is significantly easier and faster to run scenarios and identify changes when modeling is done correctly.
Technology Modernization
Service Stories
Migration to Salesforce Sales Cloud
New applications can radically change operations when you have the courage and discipline to embrace change. It feels risky to disrupt sales when it is the primary driver for revenue; however, when done right, it is far more risky to do nothing at all.
IT Demand Management Using Jira & ServiceNow
IT intake is tricky in a large business. Too many entry points, stakeholders, conflicting priorities, systems and teams. The challenge is to deliver the organization with the utmost value when everyone has their own way of doing things.